
Chicago Cubs Tickets For A Day Of History

For fans of the "Cubbies" nothing means more than getting Chicago Cubs tickets and watching to see if "this is the year,personalized bobble heads." The Cubs are one of America's oldest professional sports teams and have become a part of American history and culture,personalized bobblehead. For the "North Siders" who love baseball nothing would mean more than to see their beloved Cubbies win it all in the World Series,personalized bobble heads. Regardless of the teams long running World Series drought catching an afternoon game at Wrigley Field is something all baseball fans should do at least once,,.

Great Baseball History

Chicago Cubs tickets have been selling since 1870,Nike Air Force One Choosing The Right Footwear For Sports,., back when they were called the Chicago White Stockings. Today the team is one of the two remaining charter members of the National League,custom bobblehead, the other being the Atlanta Braves. The Cubs remain the oldest active professional team in all of major sports still residing in their original city.

Ownership History

The ownership of the Cubs carries with it a tremendous amount of history as well. William Hulbert was the original founder of the franchise and the major financier for the birth of the club. He ran the team from the early years they became profession (1871) and played as a charter member of the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players,custom bobbleheads, who was the first professional sports league in the U.S. Hulbert was also a leader in the creation of the National Base Ball League when he became discontent with how the league was being run. The team saw wonderful success under Hulbert,custom bobbleheads, he signed top talent and led the White Stockings to the first ever National League pennant which was the climax of the post season at the time.

After leading the team to consecutive pennants Hulbert passed away, and Al Spalding took over ownership of the club. Spalding was signed to the team under Hulbert as a pitcher and briefly left the team in retirement to start the Spalding sporting goods company. Spalding eventually would sell the team to Jim Hart,customized bobbleheads, and the name was changed to the "Chicago Cubs." During this period Frank Chance acted as player-manager and led the Cubs to four pennants and two World Series victories in a five year span. Chicago Cubs tickets became a high demand for the city as baseball took off. The back-to-back World Series wins of 1907 and 1908 was a first in baseball,customize bobblehead. After Spalding passed away the Cubs were bought out by Albert Lasker and Charles Weeghman,personalized bobbleheads.

Heading into the "Golden Age of Baseball" a young entrepreneur and minority shareholder named William Wrigley Jr began to acquire increased shares of ownership into the team. Wrigley Jr. of course is well known for the Wrigley Company,FC Barcelona Players Samuel Eto O,personalized bobblehead,… and Flower Girls, the Chicago-based chewing gum manufacture. In 1921 Wrigley made a bold move to buy out Weeghman's shares and by 1925 had acquired most of Lakser's shares as well. With Wrigley as the majority share holder he assumed ownership of the team and quickly changed the ballparks name from Weeghman Park to Wrigley Field in what can be called the first example of corporate branding within professional sports.

In 1981 the Tribune Company purchased the team from the Wrigley family for $20,500,customize bobblehead,000. The team operated under the media giant up until December 2007 when Sam Zell purchased the Tribune Company and decided to sell the team. Under much controversy surrounding the sale of the team over a few years eventually Tom Ricketts and Joe Ricketts bid would win and on October 27,customized bobbleheads, 2009 the family became the majority share holder with Zell holding on to a minor share of the team.

Chicago Cubs tickets are an invitation to great American history. Getting to see a game played in Wrigley Field is a privilege in today's pro-sports landscape. The history behind the club and ballpark are amazing. The players who have put on their uniforms and played on the field are legendary. There are few teams and ballparks that can bring out the types of emotions for baseball fans. Even if you are not a fan of the Cubs or know nothing about baseball a day at "Wrigley" is sure to be fun,personalized bobbleheads,How To Get Best English To Turkish Translation Service, exciting and memorable.

