
Heliskiing And Cat Skiing For Novices

This article is directed to all skiers who have either an unsatisfied craving for powder skiing or who want to become powder skiers. Backcountry skiing may provide your Nirvana,custom bobblehead. Prior experience is not required and there is lots of opportunity for intermediate skiers!

Is backcountry skiing for me? Can I do it? Is it safe? We'll speak to your fears and help answer your questions. Perhaps backcountry skiing is the answer to your prayers. Perhaps it is very much for you and you can easily do it. Perhaps it is really quite safe, at least relative to what you already do in life. Read on and find out.

There are thousands of powder skiing enthusiasts around the world who spend their winters waiting patiently for the next "dump",custom bobblehead, that rare event that deposits more light fresh snow overnight than the groomers can beat down before the lift opens. These patient folk range from intermediate skiers through experts but, irrespective of ability,custom bobbleheads, they all share a love for making first tracks in fresh snow and the only thing that separates them is just how "steep and deep" they like it.

By opening time on those rare "powder days",personalized bobbleheads, the lineup at the chairlift can be so long that all the ungroomed runs will be entirely skied out before late arrivals even get on the lift. All over town, employees are phoning in "sick". For the early-birds, there is rarely more than a couple of good runs to be had in "great" untracked snow. It's really not a very encouraging picture!

What's the alternative? How can one get at least a few days a year of really good powder skiing? One choice might be a trip to Utah*(see note below),Dallas Hair Salon A New Way Of Hair Styling,customize bobblehead, where "powder days" might be more frequent. However, it's still a horserace to the best snow and by mid-day things are getting a little worn out. Perhaps a better option is to head for the backcountry and its limitless reaches of deep untracked snow.

Some folks have the fitness, training,customized bobbleheads,Varied Benefits Of English To French Translation, knowledge, equipment and the time to head for the hills on touring skis, or on downhill skis fitted with heel-release bindings. However,What To Prepare For The MCSE Examination, even that involves a heck of a lot of walking and not all that much powder skiing. Also,personalized bobble heads, out-of-bounds skiing is certainly not for everyone that happens to be a fervent "powder hound". Most skiers just don't have the knowledge and experience to be safe in the backcountry,customize bobblehead, nor do they have the equipment.

The alternatives that really satisfy a "powder lust" are heliskiing and cat skiing,,. These activities provide a reliable means by which average intermediate and expert skiers can "ski their legs off" and to enjoy lots great powder skiing in deep light snow. Every day,personalized bobble heads, all day long, almost every turn is made in fresh untracked snow. By the end of each day, intermediate skier and expert alike can expect to have very few turns left in them.

There is no question that heliskiing and cat skiing are relatively expensive activities. However,., cost varies widely depending on the service provided. At one extreme is a snowcat skiing day-trip that might provide three or four 1500 to 2000 ft descents in the best powder imaginable. At the other extreme is a full-service multi-day heliskiing tour based in a luxurious mountain lodge where ski groups might comprise only 4 to 6 people. In between is a wide range of service with an equally wide price range. Only you can evaluate what a day or a week of great powder skiing is worth to you, what you can afford and which of the many options best meets your needs.

If you could consider a vacation in Mexico or Bermuda or Hawaii or southern France (depending on where you live) then you may well be able to afford a very nice multi-day, fully-guided backcountry ski trip. However, beware that backcountry skiing is highly addictive.

There are over two dozen heliskiing companies and about 16 catskiing companies in western Canada alone. Most of them are doing quite well, and enjoy good bookings. By and large, these operators rely on intermediate skiers to keep their doors open. The barrier to mechanized backcountry skiing is much more a monetary issue than an issue of skiing prowess, age, fitness and backcountry experience, especially in the case of heliskiing.

Heliskiing and cat skiing do not require any backcountry experience or special equipment. None at all! You don't even need powder skis, just boots and clothing. The operator will supply skis that are well suited for his local conditions. The operator will also supply safety equipment and provide training and experience in its use. The guides handle all the rest.

Age offers no barrier to backcountry skiing. Heli and cat ski operators welcome male and female clients of age ranging from the 20's well into the 80's. Consider that the folks who can afford a high-end heliskiing trip tend not to be "young bucks" who spend their days in the gym and delight in throwing themselves off cliffs. They tend to be more "mature" folk who drive a desk all year and may not be particularly fit,customized bobbleheads, or they may be retirees.

If you can ski almost everything in your local ski area,custom bobbleheads, you probably have more than enough skill to handle backcountry skiing. Style is not important, just a reasonable level of skill and fitness. For heliskiing in particular,We Will Throw You Total Enjoyment, you should be able to ski for a day and still be able to walk.

The Web site of Purcell Heliskiing states that, "Skiers should be able to ski groomed blue runs confidently and be physically fit in order to get the most out of their heli-ski adventure". Purcell Helicopters also recommends that,custom bobblehead, "Snowboarders need to be advanced and able to board at higher speeds comfortably to get the most out of the deep powder conditions".

Powder skiing in the backcountry alpine can be easier than in the local ski resort, because the snow is generally unbroken, light and very consistent. There are no buried moguls to knock you about, or old ski tracks to cross or lumps of piled-up snow to contend with. It does not take long to "get the hang of it". You might encounter some wind crust or sun crust, but your guide will work very hard to avoid it. With heliskiing in particular, your guide will have many options for finding areas of great snow.

Your guide is a real pro! He (or she) is there, not to get some "turns" for himself,personalized bobbleheads, but to help you have the greatest ski day of your life. Your guide will select terrain that suits your ability and keeps you safe. However, he/she may challenge you to expand you horizons and improve your skiing.

Your heliski or cat ski operator will attempt to assemble ski groups that are as well matched in ability as possible and your guide will select terrain that suits the skill level of your group.

